Every once in while I check out the blogs of other
volunteers. I’ve noticed that after a
year of service, bloggers start their entries with an apology. “It’s been 2 months since I wrote. I’ve been busy but it’s time to catch
up…” I’m no different. I used to try to post a blog once a week and
now weeks, a month or more, go by and no urge to set it all down. The compulsion to write diminishes for some reason. Why is that?
I think because we are so used to being here, so in the Nica groove,
that we don’t see as well as we did when we first got here, or maybe that
things seem usual, less demanding of comment. Or maybe it was, in my case, two
months of fine vacation. But I went back to school this week and am back in
writing mode.
Two things stood out in the first 3 days. Teachers got their assignments yesterday. Up till then they did not know what classes
they were going to teach. Surprises came
with the announcement. One English teacher
found herself with eight preparations; another had none—she was taken out of
the classroom and made a “helper”, not a promotion—I don’t know what it means. These
dramatic assignments are accepted without public comment or complaint. (My counterparts complain to me.) Teachers just do what they are told. No one asks for an explanation. If this happened in the states, the union
would be in evidence.
For the week before school begins the teachers are there
getting ready. But that consists largely
in making murals, so far at least. The murals are large (6’ by 4’)
posters. The two under construction thus
far employ the attentions of 6 or 7 teachers each. They preach the government ordained motto for
the year, “2013-- Year of productivity, blessings and prosperity—in victory!”
My Nicaraguan teachers display not a bit of cynicism about the motto contents
or its appropriateness in the school. They
set about the mural-making task with good and cheerful heart. I was at school and there was nothing else to
do so I helped out. On the first day I
watched as the letters for the slogan were made out of a foamy kind of
paper. For models, we dug through a pile
of letters of all different sizes kept from prior murals. One person shouted out the letters we needed
and 3 of us looked for them—a process that took some time. I was wondering why
we didn’t just pull out all the letters of the same size and then from them
pick the ones necessary, but no, that’s not how things are done, we had to find
the letters in the right size and shape and in the order in which they would
appear on the mural. Then one person
traced the letters—again in the order in which they are needed for the motto--another
cut them out, a third supervised and the 4th person, me, held the
cut out letters. The norteamericano in
me was impatient as hell. Why can’t 2
people trace letters and 2 cut them out?
Do we really need a supervisor and a holder? But no one else was offended and everyone
bent to their task with careful attention and lots of joking and chatter,
everyone working but kind of enjoying the super-simple task and the fellowship.
That we ran out of one color of foamy paper in the middle of a word bothered no
one at all: we just continued with another color.
That process took the better part of the morning. The next day it was time to assemble the
murals. With a lot of discussion and some disagreement, the letters were placed
on the mural itself, cardboard covered in sheets of glued-on white paper. Then
strips of colored paper were cut to form a border. Finally three people laminated the thing by
placing strips of wide cellophane tape edge to edge until the whole mural was
sealed and protected. This work took the
better part of the morning. Teachers in
another part of the school were working on the other mural—same slogan—and by
noon of the second day both were hung up outside to the universal critique, “Es
bonito.” It’s pretty. Two mornings’ work: two murals.
What strikes me is how everyone gets along during projects
like this, and generally here in Nicaragua. If one person has a strong opinion
of how the mural should be, people back off and let them have their way. No one
seems put out that another assumes the boss roll. Neither does anyone think they are too good
for cutting out letters or dabbing their fingers in white glue to affix borders
or sheets of white paper. Everyone wants to help. When a teacher was called away from an
arguably more important task to hold the end of the cellophane tape, she didn’t
complain at all or ask someone else to do it.
She was glad to help. You can’t
be a notreamericana and not wonder what happens to all the ego we assume must
be sublimated to make a mural—or any other project for that matter, like a
school or a family. But there is no sign
of hidden resentment or hidden fury.
Makes you wonder if maybe the huge ego isn’t a Western invention. Gives credence to that theory that maybe
competition isn’t the greatest contributor to the survival of the fittest, but
co-operation is. Getting along just works better. Being resentful sets you apart from the
group. And that’s not where you want to
Footnote: Today’s La Prensa, the liberal newspaper which
refers always to the president as the “unconstitutional” president (I guess
there’s some free press here) ran a story mocking the first lady’s initiative
for this year to change attitudes to one’s more positive in order to counteract
a conclusion held by many that things are pretty bad in Nicaragua (see
unemployment rates, poverty, inadequate health care, etc. which is why it’s a
third world country and Peace Corps is here.) Themes to be stressed are that we
are to live beautifully, live clean, live healthy and live well. This
initiative is to be implemented by the schools and it appears that the murals
are just the beginning. I expect we’ll
be hearing a lot about positive thinking this year. There are two views on this effort. La Prensa thinks it’s just another attempt at
mind-control, trying to make it so by insisting that everyone says it’s so. But
one person I talked to thought it was a great attempt by the government to get
everyone to live a better life. I tend
to go along with La Prensa, but then I remember how people made fun of Ladybird
Johnson when she told us to ”Beautify America” by getting rid of billboards and
stopping the dumping of trash out of car windows. Nicaragua needs a first step like that and
maybe this is it.
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